Council of Graduate Students
at The Ohio State University

About The Council

The Council of Graduate Students is the official student government for the 10,000+ graduate students at The Ohio State University. Founded in 1955, CGS works towards a continual improvement of the graduate student experience at The Ohio State University. The Council directly serves and supports graduate students and the University community in a number of ways, including:

  • Officially representing graduate student interests in university governance through the appointment of over 100 graduate students to University committees.
  • Providing an outlet for the graduate student community to discuss and engage issues related to their interests at the University.
  • Providing a forum for graduate student research.
  • Providing travel funds for professional development.
  • Seeking competitive compensation and benefits for graduate students.
  • Planning special events for graduate students.

CGS Officers, Committee Chairs and Delegates serve as staunch advocates in the process of crafting university policy-making decisions. Our competitive funding programs and graduate-centered programing support the personal and professional development of all graduate students.

Our Committee Chairs are considered department heads of the student government; they have their own budgets and are free to program (with consultation of the Executive Board) as they see fit. There is a high expectation on committees to program effectively in their domains during the academic year.

The University's most involved and motivated graduate students participate in the executive functions of the University by serving as delegates to the Council or as senators to the University Senate. The Council works closely with the Graduate School on issues of mutual interest.

CGS delegates are elected from every graduate program and are responsible for communicating concerns and representing the opinions and interests of their constituents at our monthly meetings. Effective delegates strive to serve as key contacts and sources of information for the graduate students within their departments, their constituents.

Ten University Senators are elected from each of five academic areas and are responsible for crafting, debating and voting on legislation that governs the University through committees and regular meetings of the Senate. Senators should strive to be aware of the issues affecting their college and to fully understand the impact of policies that are enacted by the Senate. 

The Council is a founding member of two national student advocacy organzations:  NAGPS -- the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students and SAGE Student Advocates for Graduate Education.

The Council of Graduate Students was recognized nationally as the Graduate Student Association of the year 1998 by NAGPS, the highest honor given to a graduate student government nationwide. NAGPS  has also honored the Council with the "Outstanding New Graduate Program" in the nation for  the Edward J. Ray Award for Scholarship and Service program.