Council of Graduate Students
at The Ohio State University


Sabrina Durso (Durso.19)

Sabrina Durso is a Ph.D. student in English specializing in Disability Studies. Specifically, in literature, Sabrina exposes the falseness of stereotypes and poor representations of those with disabilities through disability life writing. While at The Ohio State, Sabrina has presented her work at various places, but more recently at the Centre for Culture and Disability Studies and the American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Her service efforts center on accessibility, with a special emphasis on providing university students with accommodations that go beyond The Americans with Disabilities Act. Outside of research and service, Sabrina is a dedicated educator and avid traveler/mountaineer.

Roles & Responsibilities 
As laid out in the CGS Constitution (Section 8.3, rev. 11/2023), the President's duties are as follows:

  • 8.3.A The President will preside over all General Body and Executive Board meetings of the Council as the Chair.
  • 8.3.B The President will select the time and place of all regular and special meetings of the Council. All meeting locations must be ADA accessible and hybrid capable. The President must inform the graduate student body in writing of the time and place chosen for each regular meeting of a semester by no later than the tenth day of that semester.
  • 8.3.C The President will serve as a liaison between CGS and the Graduate School, the University administration, and the Ohio State University Board of Trustees.
  • 8.3.D The President will serve as an ex-officio member of the University Senate and its Steering Committee.
  • 8.3.E The President must appoint a Parliamentarian. This appointment will be subject to approval by simple majority vote by the Executive Board. The parliamentarian may be removed at the initiative of the President, or by two Executive Board members. This removal is subject to a majority vote of the Executive Board.
  • 8.3.F The President may appoint a Chief of Staff if they so choose. This appointment will be subject to approval by simple majority vote by the Executive Board. The Chief of Staff may be removed at the initiative of the President, or by two Executive Board members. This removal is subject to a majority vote of the Executive Board.
  • 8.3.G The President will be responsible for implementing and enacting all decisions of the Council and will fulfill other duties as directed by the consensus of the Council and the Executive board, as needed and able.

*** This officership is a .5 FTE GAship through the Office of Student Life.
*** This officership is eligible to use a CGS-owned A parking pass for CGS business.