Council of Graduate Students
at The Ohio State University

Accepting Your Career Development Grant

Getting Reimbursed

The Career Development Grant follows a reimbursement model. You must adhere to CDG Guidelines and Policies to maintain eligibility to receive funding. Being reimbursed is contingent upon completing and submitting several important items of paperwork/documentation by the specified deadline

All grant recipients will be reimbursed after expenses are incurred through a check issued by The Ohio State University or through direct deposit if you have a University appointment (GA, part-time, staff, etc.). Both forms of payment (check and direct deposit) take approximately 4-6 weeks to fully process.

Required Documents

The following documents are to be emailed to (also cc'ing Conner.280 and Bryant.1672) within 14 days of the activity or conclusion of the event. The email's subject line should include "CDG" and your last name. Failure to do so will result in the automatic forfeit of your right to this funding.

  • Audit Form (with original receipts showing payment confirmation)
  • AP Compliance Form or Vendor Setup Form
  • Brief, 300-Word Testimony

For more information about accepting your Career Development Grant, check out the "Accepting Your Career Development Grant" reference guide.