The Council of Graduate Students works primarily with two types of committees:
1. Internal Committees: These are committees that are internally created and managed by the CGS. Internal committees can be standing committees, those mandated at the commencement of the new administration that are charged to investigate specific issues and create unique programs related to the graduate experience at The Ohio State University; and ad hoc committees, those created by the President to fulfill specific duties as and when the need arises. For more information on joining internal committees contact CGS Vice President, Katie Conner.280.
2. External Committees: These are either university-wide committees or OSU University Senate committees that are managed by other entities at OSU that the CGS participates in. The CGS is given an allocated number of seats per committee and can appoint graduate students to sit on those committees, representing graduate student issues and concerns throughout the University administration. The CGS is always looking to recruit existing graduate students to sit on those committees and represent graduate student issues. For more information, contact CGS Vice President Katie Conner.280.