2021 - 2022 Meeting Packets & Agendas
This page contains CGS Meeting Packets from the August 2021 - July 2022 Academic Year. These packets are distributed to members of CGS the week of all delegate/general body meetings in order to share the meeting agenda for that meeting, along with the previous meeting's minutes for approval, any legislation up for discussion and vote, election materials (as appropriate), officer and committee chair reports, and any additional materials pertinent to the meeting's business.
Please note that minute taking may be suspended due to the calling of an "executive session" wherein notes and recordings are not taken in order to preserve the privacy of a specific discussion. These are primarily used for discussion of election candidates, or to protect members of CGS and the public who might speak on an especially contentious topic wherein their safety may be compromised in any manner.
Additionally, please note that minute taking conventions and packet inclusion conventions include the same general pieces of information (speaker name, meeting portion spoken during, main points of spoken content) but that specific intricacies might change over time to better support the needs of CGS at the time, or to reflect the stylistic preferences of a given administration/secretary.
If you are looking for specific materials not found here, please reach out to the current vice president and secretary (contact info can be found under About Us, Leadership Team) to be assisted in locating specific materials.
Display Title Key
The naming conventions for file display titles are as follows...
AY#### - AY#### denotes the academic year the materials we published or created in.
.X - Denotes the month of the item. A = Aug/Sept, B = Oct, C = Nov, D = Dec, E = Jan, F = Feb, G = Mar, H = Apr, I = May, J = Jun, K = July. Month letters are ordered by the chronological flow of the academic year.
Meeting Minutes, Full Body/Delegate - Recorded and approved meeting minutes of a monthly CGS Full Body/Delegate meeting.
Meeting Minutes, Executive Board - Recorded and approved meetig minutes of a monthly CGS executive board meeting.
Full Body/Delegate Meeting Packet - Meeting packet for a monthly CGS Full Body/Delegate meeting. Includes meeting agenda, legislation up for voting, meeting minutes from the previous meeting, and any additional supplemental materials for the CGS meeting for the month in question.
Legislation, Act - Acts for CGS generally pertain to internal or procedural business (e.g., budgeting, spending, bylaw updates, establishing ad hoc committees, etc.).
Legislation, Resolution - Resolutions for CGS are specific position statements or pieces of legislation advocating for a specific solution or addressment of an issue identified by CGS.
Day.Month.Year or Month.Year - Date that the item in question was approved, or pertains to.