Council of Graduate Students
at The Ohio State University

Knowledge Bank Information

Deadline to submit to Knowledge Bank for Hayes Forum 2024: Friday May 3rd, 2024

The Council of Graduate Students and the Graduate School requires that you submit your winning paper (as part of the Hayes proceedings) to the Knowledge Bank in order to receive a monetary prize.

Procedures & General Notes for Submitting your Papers

* Please note that these requirements have changed from previous Hayes Research Forum guidelines you might have seen *

  • The forum award winner must be the primary author of the paper's text, though the research may have been conducted collaboratively (much the same as the abstracts submitted to Hayes and the presentations shown at Hayes). (Other contributors to the paper may be thanked in a first-page footnote!)
  • If your winning Hayes presentation is based upon a previous work that has an accompanying paper already (e.g., published article, a milestone-paper for your academic program, dissertation chapter, etc.) you are permitted to adapt this work to fall within the requirements for the Hayes KB submission, and align with conventions on academic integrity.
  • Prepare your paper according to the guidelines below. Submit the paper to the OSU Knowledge Bank as an Adobe PDF file. Be sure to note margin, font size, and spacing guidelines. The KB will send the paper back for edits if these guidelines are not adhered to.
  • We acknowledge that paper conventions will vary somewhat from field to field. To make the preparation of this paper a useful exercise, we encourage you to prepare it according to the standards of your discipline and/or the final publication venue for the work.  We expect a paper of a minimum of 10 pages with text and figures, but the length and content should be determined by your publication goals for the work.
  • Submitting to the Knowledge Bank does not preclude submitting your paper to an academic journal, although you will want to refer to the particular journal’s policies. You can request a one, three, or five year embargo of the paper you submit to the Knowledge Bank if that is needed in order to meet your career and publication needs, while still being in compliance with the current rules regarding prize collection through Hayes. 
  • Submitting to the Knowledge Bank is not a transfer of copyright to the Knowledge Bank. You would retain all rights – and give them non-exclusive permission to archive your paper and to disseminate it.
  • Your cash award from the Forum will be reflected in your Ohio State Student Account in June if your paper is submitted to the OSU Knowledge Bank by May 3rd, 2024 at 11:59pm. If you have set up direct deposit with the Bursar’s Office, the money will be deposited in your bank account.  If you do not have direct deposit for your Student Account, a check will be mailed to you.  Note: Student Account direct deposit with the Bursar’s Office is separate from payroll direct deposit through Human Resources.     
  • Failure to submit your paper by May 3rd, 2024 at 11:59pm will result in forfeiture of the monetary award.
  • Submit papers electronically to the OSU Knowledge Bank.  You are essentially creating metadata for your work to be able to be found by others when you are ready to share it.  The instructions are available at Knowledge Bank
  • Knowledge Bank process is available at

Formatting Guidelines (per the Knowledge Bank)

  • We will only accept papers in Adobe PDF format via the OSU Knowledge Bank.
  • The paper must be typed (12-point Times New Roman font) and double-spaced.
  • In general, you should follow the publication traditions in your discipline. You may wish to consult an accepted style manual such as APA or MLA. 
  • The list of references, citations, or bibliography should be single-spaced, though double-spacing in between bibliographic entries is acceptable. 
  • Margins must be EXACTLY 1-inch on all sides of the page.
  • Figures, if included, can be integrated into the text or inserted at the end.
  • Please do not exceed a reasonable amount of paper -- if you can fit more than one chart, graph, or figure on a page clearly and neatly, please do so. Do not use report covers, title pages, etc.  Your name and the title of your paper should be listed on the first page.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding submissions to the Knowledge Bank, please contact University Libraries at

If you have other questions or conerns, you can e-mail the Hayes Forum 2024 Organizing Committee's Chair, Katie Conner, at