Council of Graduate Students
at The Ohio State University

FAQs: Being a CGS Delegate

Wondering if you'd be a good fit for CGS Delegate? CGS Delegate FAQs  

For information on the next Delegate election, visit the application page.

Delegate Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Attend all delegate meetings. Delegate meetings are held on Fridays once a month from 3:30pm-5:30pm.
  • Identify an alternate from their department if they are unable to attend.
  • Sit on at least one CGS internal committee.
  • Sit on at least one external University Committee. External committees are defined as those not originated by CGS.
  • Keep the Vice President and the appropriate committee chair informed (by regular written or verbal communication) of their work on and relevant issues from their University Committee.
  • Regularly communicate with their constituents, sharing and gathering information/questions.
  • Regularly communicate with their department chair, graduate studies chair, and/or graduate program coordinator, sharing or gathering information/questions
  • Be aware of and support the overall mission of the CGS.

How to be an effective delegate:

  • Forward the CGS news emails you receive as a delegate to the other graduate students in your department (consult with your department to see if there is a graduate student listserv or contact group and how you can easily email everyone).
  • Hold a CGS information session in your department to make your constituents aware of the purpose of CGS, the grants and awards available to students, and issues we are currently working on.  You can use this as a time to seek your constituents feedback also.  Complete a Delegate Outreach Grant application and CGS can help fund food for this session and other programs that you may hold. 

More coming *soon*

More information regarding the role and responsibilities of delegates.

Applications can be found here. Delegate applications are accepted on a rolling basis

Please contact CGS Vice President Katie Conner.280 for clarification .