Council of Graduate Students
at The Ohio State University

Delegate Application & Information

Get Involved as a CGS Delegate and be a voice for your program! 

Spring 2025 Elections & Application Information

Applications to serve as a delegate during the 2025 - 2026 school year from Fall 2025 - Summer 2026 will follow the following timeline in accordance with the CGS Bylaws... 

Application period opens - Monday, March 24th, 2025 at 12:01am ET

Application period closes - Friday April 11th, 2025 at 11:59pm ET

Voting Period Opens - Wednesday April 17th, 2025 at 12:00pm ET

Voting Period Closes - Wednesday April 24th, 2024 at 5:00pm ET

Candidates notified of election results (at latest) - Wednesday May 1st, 2025

Runoff elections (if needed) - TBD as necessary

If you have questions or concerns about any of the following information or anything else concerning serving as a CGS Delegate, please reach out to current CGS VP, Katie Conner.280.

Serving as a Delegate:

The rules and requirements surrounding the delegate role are laid out in CGS's Constitution, Combined Bylaws & Standing Rules, and Code of Ethics and Values. Some brief information can be found below, but the most extensive and detailed information can be found in the documents themselves. 

Eligibility to Serve as a CGS Delegate: 

As laid out in Article 4 of the CGS Constitution, "[a]ll graduate students enrolled at The Ohio State University are eligible to hold any Council position, elected or appointed, provided they maintain status in good standing as defined by that person’s respective program of study and as defined by The Ohio State University Graduate School." Additionally, as laid out in Article 2, Section 2.2 of the CGS Bylaws those who wish to serve as delegates, "[...] must be a part of the unit of representation constituency they represent. For example, a Delegate representing the Physics department must be a student within the Physics department, a Delegate representing a center of study must come from a department that is a member of that center of study."

Delegate Responsibilities: 

Delegate responsibilities are laid out in Article 2, Section 2.2 of the CGS Bylaws, and include (but are not limited to)... 

  • To the greatest extent possible, Delegates will attend all CGS General Body meetings in accordance with CGS Bylaws Section 5.6.
  • When a Delegate is unable to attend a meeting of the Council, they will identify and notify an alternate in advance of the meeting and the alternate will attend on their behalf. Alternates will have the same general powers and privileges during meetings of the Council as the absent Delegate being represented.
  • Delegates must serve on at least one internal CGS or external University committee for the duration of their Delegate term. Delegates may be appointed to multiple committees to equitably distribute committee appointment obligations of the Council. Delegates may be appointed to additional committees beyond the required assignments made, based on their availability, at their request.
  • To the greatest extent possible, Delegates will maintain attendance at all meetings for the committee(s) they serve on.
  • Delegates will keep the appropriate relevant CGS Committee Chair(s) informed (by regular written or verbal communication) of their efforts so that the Council may act on information and relevant issues raised in/by committees, both internal and external, in a timely manner. 
  • Delegates will regularly communicate with their constituencies and department chairpersons or graduate studies chairs to stay informed of issues and questions and to communicate about current efforts.
  • Delegates will maintain and support the overall mission of the Council and be familiar with the organization’s mission statement and governing documents.
  • Delegates will be held to the standards laid forth in the CGS Code of Ethics and Values.