Council of Graduate Students
at The Ohio State University

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I still apply for a grant through CGS if I haven't yet been accepted to a conference?

Yes, so long as the conference is within the fundable window. 

2. If I've received the Ray Travel Award in a previous funding period, but did not use all my funds can I apply again?

Yes, you are eligible for $1000 per year. If you have received the Ray Travel Award in a previous funding period but spent less than $1000 you can apply for the remainder. Your application will be considered along with all other applications. You are not guaranteed to receive the award again, but you are eligible to apply. Please be aware that there are restrictions from winning in consecutive years for the Ray Travel Award - see the Ray website for more details.

3. Can I use the Career Development Grant for membership fees? And if so, do the dues dates need to be explicitly stated?

Yes, you can use the Career Development Grant for membership fees. If you receive funding, you must pay the dues during the funding period you applied for.

4. Can I use abbreviations in my application?

We would discourage the use of abbreviations since these applications are being read by judges from various fields. If you do use an abbreviation please explain them in the text of your application.

5. How specific should I be when calculating reimbursement?

As specific as possible. Please visit  for useful information on travel planning from OSU.

6. How am I reimbursed for mileage if I’m traveling in Ohio?

You will be reimbursed at the federal rate. Please visit for more details.

7. What happens if the conference dates are in two different funding periods?

The first day of the conference or event will be the date that the funding period needs to fall in.

8. Can I change my estimated expenses after being awarded the grant?

No, the expenses are limited to what you applied for.

9. Do I need to be presenting at the conference to receive a grant? What if I'm just attending a conference?

You must be presenting at the conference to be eligible for the Ray Travel Award.

Students who are just attending conferences and not presenting may be eligible for the Career Development Grant.  

10. I am traveling to conduct research (e.g. traveling to an archive), can I apply for a grant?

You may be eligible for the Global Gateway Grant depending on where the research is occurring. Please visit the Global Gateway Grant webpage for more details.

11. I missed the application date which corresponds to my conference! Can I still apply for a grant for a later funding period?

No, you must apply by the close of the funding period which corresponds to your travel dates. No exceptions.

12. Can I apply for an award for a conference that is occuring just after I graduate?

No. You must be either currently enrolled or, if traveling during the summer, enrolled in the fall and be in good standing with the graduate school to recieve the award.

13. Will my individual award impact my financial aid?

Potentially yes if you are at your full cost of attendance. All individual awards are reported to the Office of Financial Aid (

14. What is the deadline to submit my receipts post-travel, conference attendance, etc.?

Award recipients have 30 days to submit their receipts to: If this deadline is not met, this may result in the forfeiture of your award.