Council of Graduate Students
at The Ohio State University

External Committees

External committee information is the information made available by the university wide committees.

For further information about senate committees please visit the senate webpage.

See the list of current appointed students who are serving on external committees for 2021-2022. 


External Committees


Athletic Council

B) Duties and responsibilities.

(1) Develop, subject to the general authority of the president and the board of trustees, policies governing intercollegiate athletics, as the agent of the senate. The senate may hold these policies in review.
(a) These policies shall guide the administration of the program of intercollegiate athletics by the director of athletics, but the athletic council shall not serve in an administrative or executive capacity.
(b) It will consider and establish policy on such matters as the income and expenditures budget, the schedules for seasonal and post-seasonal play in relation to the effect upon the welfare of the athletes, grants and other financial aid to athletes, eligibility of athletes, student grievance procedures and sportsmanship policies related to athletics, awards to athletes, ticket distribution, and public and campus relations of the athletic program.
(c) Its recommendations and decisions on policy shall be made known to the senate and to the staff of the department of athletics.

(2) Participate with the president in the process of selecting a university faculty athletics representative. The faculty athletics representative shall provide advice and oversight for the intercollegiate athletics program at the Ohio state university and represent the university and its faculty to the NCAA. The faculty athletics representative also shall participate in the assurance of academic integrity of the athletics program; monitor the student-athlete experience; participate in the assurance of the institutional compliance with NCAA and conference regulations; and serve as the senior faculty advisor to the president and the director of athletics concerning the administration of the collegiate athletics program.

(a) When selecting a new faculty athletics representative, the athletic council shall prepare a list of no fewer than two regular tenured faculty members from which the president shall select a faculty athletics representative.

(b) Eighteen months prior to the end of the faculty athletics representative's final term, the chair of the athletic council shall appoint a nominating committee which shall have the responsibility to inform the university community about the position of faculty athletics representative and to invite applications and/or recommendations for nominations. Brief recommendations in writing that state the candidate's qualifications for the position may be submitted to the nominating committee by any member of the university community. Applications and nominations shall be due in accordance with a reasonable schedule established by the nominating committee.

(c) Final approval of the list of names submitted to the president shall be made by the full membership of the athletic council. The list for the faculty athletics representative position shall be presented to the president in June of the year preceding the start of the next term of office in order to allow for a smooth transition between outgoing and incoming faculty athletics representatives.

(d) The new faculty athletics representative will be appointed faculty athletics representative-elect on July 1 of the year before becoming faculty athletics representative. The faculty athletics representative-elect shall attend all meetings in which the faculty athletics representative has access to, but the faculty athletics representative-elect shall have no right to vote until the faculty athletics representative-elect becomes the faculty representative.

(e) The term of office for a faculty athletics representative is four years, beginning July 1 of the year following appointment as faculty athletics representative-elect. Reappointment for no more than two additional four-year terms is permissible. If an incumbent faculty athletics representative is eligible to and desires to serve another term, then at least nine months prior to the expiration of the current term, the athletic council shall complete a review of the incumbent's performance. If the council decides that the incumbent should serve another term and the president concurs, the faculty athletics representative's term shall be renewed. Otherwise, the athletic council shall move immediately to prepare a list to submit to the president following the procedures of paragraphs
(B)(2)(a) to (B)(2)(c) of this rule, except for the time limitations.

(f) The faculty athletics representative shall not serve simultaneously as a member of the athletic council, but shall attend meetings of the council. The chair of the athletic council, or the chair's designee from among the faculty members of the athletic council, shall serve as the interim faculty athletics representative with full voting privileges at conference meetings whenever the faculty athletics representative is unavailable.

(g) In the event that the faculty athletics representative does not complete a full term, the faculty athletics representative-elect shall complete the remainder
of the uncompleted term. The completion of a term does not constitute a four-year term for purposes of the three four-year term limitation in paragraph (B)(2)(e) of this rule. If there is no faculty athletics representative-elect at the time the faculty athletics representative vacates the position, the chair of the faculty council, or the chair's designee from among the faculty members of the athletic council, shall serve as the interim faculty athletics representative until the appointment of a new faculty athletics representative. Upon notice of a vacancy or an imminent vacancy in the faculty athletics representative position, the athletic council shall move immediately to prepare a list to submit to the president following the procedures of paragraphs (B)(2)(a) to (B)(2)(c) of this rule, except for the time limitations.

(C) Organization.
(1) Reports by the council to the president, other than those made through the senate, shall be made through the director of athletics.

(2) As a standing committee of the senate, this council is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.

Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM)

(B) Duties and responsibilities.

(1) Investigate or establish procedures for the investigation of all reported cases of student academic misconduct, with the exception of cases in a professional college having a published honor code, and decide upon suitable disciplinary action. (The term "academic misconduct" is defined in paragraph (A) of rule 3335-23-04 of the Administrative Code.) Instructors shall report all instances of alleged academic misconduct to the committee.

(2) Investigate all cases of lax or irregular methods of conducting examinations that might tend to promote academic misconduct on the part of students, with the exception of cases in a professional college having a published honor code. The committee shall report its findings in these cases to the executive vice president and provost.

(3) Serve as a consultant on questions of academic misconduct for any professional college having a published honor code. (Note: this committee shall not have jurisdiction over cases involving student academic misconduct in professional colleges having published honor codes. These colleges shall follow their own codes in investigating reported cases of academic misconduct and in determining suitable disciplinary action. When the action taken involves suspension, dismissal, or entry on the student's permanent record, a recommendation to that effect shall be made to the executive vice president and provost for review and action.)

(C) Organization.

(1) The committee on academic misconduct is authorized to:
(a) Establish panels of its members which will conduct hearings and make decisions with the same authority as the committee itself;
(b) Establish rules and procedures to conduct hearings, including the definition of a quorum.

(2) If the caseload of the committee should from time to time become such that cases cannot be set for hearing within four weeks (excluding periods of examinations or between vacations and recesses between semesters, terms, or sessions), the chair shall be empowered to ask alternate members to serve voluntarily and temporarily as members of hearing panels.

(3) As a standing committee of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.

There are 2 hearings per week and each meeting is 3-4hrs. As appointees, graduate students will on average attend 1-2 meetings per month.

Graduate students have 7 seats on this committee.

1 to 2 graduate students on average attend each meeting block.

Committee on Intellectual Property, Patents, & Copyrights

More info forthcoming.

Council on Academic Affairs (CAA)

The Council on Academic Affairs makes recommendations to the university senate concerning educational and academic policies, including the establishment, alteration and abolition of all curricula and courses offered by the university, all degrees and certificates conferred by the university, and of all colleges, departments, and schools. All proposals for the establishment, alteration or abolition of courses and curricula, of departments, schools, and divisions within a college, and of academic degrees flow through CAA. Among its other duties, CAA fosters interdisciplinary programs involving two or more academic areas and periodically reviews the academic organization of the university.

Council on Academic Freedom & Responsibility (CAFR)

(B) Duties and responsibilities.

(1) Study all conditions which may affect the academic freedom or responsibility of the faculty of the university, including the review of proposed changes in the "Faculty Handbook," Chapter 3335-6 of the Administrative Code (rules of the university faculty concerning faculty appointments, reappointments, promotion and tenure), and such changes in the "Operating Manual" as may impinge upon academic freedom or tenure. If the committee finds that any such proposed change adversely affects academic freedom or tenure, it shall report that finding promptly to the senate for its review.

(2) Hear and investigate complaints by individual faculty members concerning alleged infringements upon academic freedom or responsibility in the university; report findings and recommendations to the parties involved with the hope of mediating a dispute and report to the senate if further action by the senate is appropriate.

(3) Hear and investigate complaints by individual faculty members concerning alleged improper evaluation under the procedures of rule 3335-5-05 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Organization.

(1) A quorum consists of four members.

(2) As a standing committee of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.

(3) Graduate Student member is recused in cases pertaining to Promotion and Tenure of faculty members. (B/T 5/1/86, B/T 2/5/88, B/T 2/4/93, B/T 11/4/94, B/T 5/3/96, B/T 7/11/97, B/T 6/4/2004, B/T 6/7/2005, B/T 6/22/2012)

Council on Distance Education, Libraries, and Information Technology

(B) Duties and responsibilities.

(1) In collaboration with the director of libraries and the chief information officer, to formulate policies governing the educational and research activities and services of libraries and information technology.

(2) Assist the director of libraries and the chief information officer in the interpretation of library and information technology services to the university community.

(3) Assist in the presentation of major library and information technology needs to the university administration.

(4) Advise the executive vice president and provost on the appointment of a director of libraries or the chief information officer.

(C) Organization.

(1) The chair shall be elected from among the voting members of the council.

(2) Reports by this council to the president, other than those made through the senate, shall be made through the executive vice resident and provost.

(3) As a standing committee of the senate, this council is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code. (B/T 5/1/86, B/T 2/5/88, B/T 11/2/90, B/T 2/4/93, B/T 11/4/94, B/T 5/3/96, B/T 4/4/97, B/T 12/4/98, B/T 7/12/2002, B/T 6/7/2005, 9/9/2011)

Council on Enrollment and Student Progress (CESP)

(B) Duties and responsibilities.

(1) Initiate recommendations and review proposals with regard to policies which affect the characteristics of the student body. The council shall address issues with regard to enrollment planning for undergraduate, graduate, and professional student enrollment. In addition, the council shall address issues related to undergraduate students in regard to recruitment, competitive admissions, intra-university transfers, financial aid, and retention, and coordinate any resulting actions with issues concerning graduate and professional students. Recommendations and advice will be provided to appropriate administrators and offices.

(2) Initiate recommendations and review proposals with regard to policies which affect the processes by which undergraduate students enroll, register, and carry out other administrative functions related to the completion of their coursework and/or degree requirements. Recommendations and advice shall be provided to appropriate administrators and offices.

(3) Initiate recommendations and review proposals with regard to policies and procedures pertinent to students' passage through the institution, including, but not limited to, the university calendar, student records, approval of transfer credit, and semester, summer term, or session-end validation procedures.

(4) Encourage the collection of data and participate in the analysis of data which will support the development of informed policies on issues within the council's domain and include a summary of such data in the annual report to the senate.

(5) Serve as a channel of communication for the work of all other committees, permanent and ad hoc, which address issues within the domain of the council of enrollment and student progress and establish regular mechanisms by which such committees report regularly to the council on enrollment and student progress and through it to the university senate.

(C) Organization.

(1) The chair and chair-elect shall be elected from among the voting members. The chair- elect shall serve as vice chair.

(2) Reports by this council to the president, other than those made through the senate, shall be made through the executive vice president and provost.

(3) As a standing committee of the senate, this council is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.

Council on Student Affairs (CSA)

(B) Duties and responsibilities.
(1) Initiate recommendations and review proposals with regard to policies which may affect the quality of student life.

(2) Make regulations pursuant to the rules of the university faculty, the bylaws, and the statutes, insofar as they pertain to the quality of student life.

(3) Advise the vice president for student life regarding the programs, services, and activities of the division.

(4) Establish study groups, committees, and other mechanisms as needed to explore issues affecting the quality of student life and make recommendations regarding these issues to the vice president for student life, the senate, and other appropriate groups.

(5) Advise other university departments and administrative units regarding proposed changes within those departments and units that may affect student rights and responsibilities.

(6) Approve policies that govern the registration, rights, privileges, and obligations of student organizations, including but not limited to fraternities and sororities, student publications, and student government. This responsibility may be delegated by the council to appropriate committees or administrative agencies.

(7) Serve as a channel of communication for the work of all other committees, permanent and ad hoc, that address issues within the domain of the council on student affairs and establish mechanisms by which such committees report regularly to the council on student affairs and through it to the university senate.

(8) Conduct periodic reviews of the application of the "Code of student conduct." Recommend to the senate any proposed changes to the "Code of student conduct."

(9) Serve as the sole administrative body for any student activity fees. This responsibility may be delegated by the council to appropriate committees or administrative agencies.

(C) Organization.
(1) The chair shall be elected from among the incoming and continuing student members of the committee during the last meeting of spring semester. For purposes of this election, all incoming and continuing members shall be eligible to vote; incoming and continuing members may choose alternates if necessary.

(2) The council shall establish operating procedures to conduct, in an orderly fashion, the functions of the council.

(3) As a standing committee of the senate, this council is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.

This committee formulates policies on student affairs and student life, as well as allocates funding to student organizations at OSU. CSA also is responsible for revisions to the Student Code of Conduct. 

The CGS President, Vice President, and Treasurer are de facto members.

Council on the Physical Environment (COPE)

(B) Duties and responsibilities.
(1) Take a broad and encompassing perspective on the physical environment of the university as it affects the academic enterprise and quality of life for the university community. Propose policies, review and recommend action regarding proposed major projects, and consult with university administration about matters within its domain.
(a) Teaching and learning environment: adequate classroom and teaching laboratory space; priorities for new construction to advance the academic enterprise; and priorities for renovation of academic facilities, especially classrooms and teaching laboratories.
(b) Movement around campus: policies and projects to ease movement around campus by all relevant means, including but not limited to pedestrian, bicycle, motorized traffic, and mass transportation; policies and proposals concerning parking, public safety including institutional security, fire safety, risk reduction, and personal safety.
(c) The campus and the university district environment: activities undertaken to facilitate campus master planning and to implement the plans adopted; initiatives undertaken to advance the objectives of improving conditions in the university district, and activities of affiliated entities to promote these initiatives.

(2) Recommend items for senate action, review matters within its purview, hear periodic reports from relevant university organizations and administrative offices, and report annually to the senate.

(C) Organization.
(1) The committee shall elect a chairperson from among its voting members. A chairperson shall serve a one-year term, and no more than one additional one-year term if reelected.
(2) As a standing council of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.

Diversity Committee

(B) Duties and responsibilities.
The committee shall study issues that relate to the implementation of the university nondiscriminatory policy. It shall recommend policies that foster an environment of civility, tolerance, and mutual respect. It shall perform the following functions with appropriate administrative support from the office of academic affairs and the office of human resources.

(1) Study and evaluate issues affecting diversity from an overall university perspective.

(2) Be informed on external requirements on the university affecting diversity.

(3) Advise the president, the executive vice president and provost, the associate vice president for human resources, and the vice president for student life about the institutional climate, policies, and priorities for ensuring justice, fairness, and equitable treatment to all members of the university.

(4) Educate and inform the university community on issues of diversity, including the letter and spirit of all Ohio and federal rules regarding members of protected classes.

(5) Oversee administration of university affirmative action grants and awards.

(6) Report annually to the university senate.

(C) Organization.
(1) The committee shall elect a chair from among its voting members.
(2) As a standing committee of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.

Fiscal Committee

(B) Duties and responsibilities.
The committee shall have full access to all fiscal documentation necessary to perform the following functions:
(1) Review, on a continuing basis, the fiscal policies and resources of the university;
(2) Advise the president on the alternatives and strategies for the long-term and short-term allocation of university resources consistent with maintaining the missions of the university;
(3) Analyze resources and budgets from an overall university-wide perspective;
(4) Analyze resources and budgets in detail for centrally supported vice presidential units;
(5) Advise the president, in the event of an imminent financial crisis, whether a determination of financial exigency is warranted; and
(6) Report annually to the faculty council and the senate on the budgetary and fiscal condition of the university.

(C) Organization.
(1) The committee shall annually elect a chair from its faculty membership.
(2) As a standing committee of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.

Graduate student member shall sever a two-year term.

Graduate Compensation and Benefits Committee

Chair: Jorge E. Clavo Abbass (clavoabbass.1), President

(B) Duties and responsibilities.
(1) Study the adequacy and other attributes of the university's policies and provisions including stipends, outside professional services, and supplemental compensation.

(2) Conduct research and provide advice on economic support of graduate associates, professional development, quality and design of benefit programs, and appointment terms.

(3) Make recommendations to the university senate, the graduate council, the graduate school, and the office of academic affairs as appropriate.

(C) Organization.
(1) The committee shall annually elect a chair from its regular student membership.

(2) As a standing committee of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code. (B/T 5/6/2005, B/T 4/6/2007, B/T 2/10/2012)

Research Committee

(B) Duties and responsibilities.
(1) Encourage and stimulate scholarly research and creative activity and foster a close relationship between education and scholarly research.

(2) Advise the senior vice president for research.

(3) Review, on a continuing basis, the policies and practices governing the conduct of research and scholarly activity.

(4) Coordinate with the governing bodies of the graduate school and with the office of undergraduate research.

(5) Make recommendations concerning the establishment, affiliation or abolition of centers or comparable organization that are primarily engaged in research.

(6) Collaborate in reviews of the budget of the office of research undertaken by the senate fiscal committee.

(C) Organization.
(1) The committee shall annually elect a chair from its regular faculty membership in the spring semester preceding the academic year of service for no more than three consecutive one-year terms.

(2) As a standing committee of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code. (B/T 6/7/91, B/T 11/4/94, B/T 5/3/96, B/T 5/3/2002, B/T 5/7/2004, B/T 6/7/2005, B/T 7/13/2007, B/T 5/14/2010)

Rules Committee

(B) Duties and responsibilities.
(1) Be responsible, in cooperation with the secretary of the university senate, for the monitoring of the "Rules of the University Faculty" and of all statutes and bylaws pertaining to the senate.

(2) Ensure that all published rules and bylaws within the senate's purview are up to date, and recommend their republication at such intervals as may be desirable.

(3) Make recommendations for the revision of the procedural rules of the senate.

(4) Before senate action, the committee shall receive all proposed new rules and changes in existing rules. It shall review them and recommend such editorial or other changes it deems necessary to avoid conflict with other rules, to enhance clarity and precision, and to avoid ambiguity.

(5) Initiate rules or changes in existing rules and recommend them to the steering committee for scheduling for senate action.

(C) Organization.
As an organizing committee of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-47 of the Administrative Code. (B/T 5/1/86, B/T 7/11/86, B/T 2/5/88, B/T 2/4/93, B/T 11/4/94, B/T 5/3/96, B/T 2/2/2001, B/T 6/7/2005, 5/14/2010)

Steering Committee

CGS Representation: Jorge E. Clavo Abbass (clavoabbass.1), Chair of Graduate Compensation and Benefits Committee

3335-5-47.1 Steering committee.
(A) Membership.
The steering committee shall consist of fourteen members.
(1) Six faculty.
(2) Four students.
(a) The president of the council of graduate students. The vice president of the council of graduate students
may attend steering committee meetings with full voting privileges if the president cannot attend.
(b) The president of the inter-professional council. The vice president of the inter-professional council may attend steering committee meetings with full voting privileges if the president cannot attend.
(c) Two undergraduate students, one of whom is the president of the undergraduate student government. The vice president of the undergraduate student government may attend steering committee meetings with full voting privileges if either student cannot attend.
(3) Four administrators.
(a) The executive vice president and provost.
(b) The senior vice president for business and finance.
(c) The secretary of the university senate (non-voting).
(d) A dean.

(B) Duties and responsibilities.
(1) Be the senate's committee on committees: the steering committee shall have the power to call, by vote of nine of its members, a special meeting of the senate, and shall have such power and duties as the senate may delegate to it during periods when the senate is not in session. It may create subcommittees and may delegate to them any of its powers, functions, and duties.
(2) Review the structure, operation, and effectiveness of the senate and its committees. It shall receive suggestions, review proposed rule changes, and initiate recommendations for change in the structure and operation of the senate, including structure, duties, and responsibilities of senate committees, without, however, in any way restricting the senate's authority to alter its operations by other means. The steering committee may also review other proposed rule changes prior to presentation to the senate.
(3) Serve as a channel of communication between the senate and the president and the board of trustees. Members shall be an advisory group available to both the president and the board of trustees for advice and counsel on any matter relating to the operation and development of the university. After consulting with the president, the members of the steering committee may request and obtain a meeting with the board of trustees.
(4) Meet at least once every year with the chair of each standing committee.

Alumni Awards for Distinguished Teaching

The AADT committee typically meets four to five times in the autumn semester beginning in late September; meetings last for one to three hours and lunch or a snack will be served, depending on what time the meeting is held.

Committee members are responsible for reading nomination materials between meetings and the time commitment required to do this reading will vary with the number of nominations received but it can be substantial. When selecting a nominee, please keep these time commitments in mind, as it is important for committee members to be thorough in their reading of the nominations, and it is highly preferred that they attend all of the scheduled meetings.

Arts & Sciences Dean's Student Advisory Board

The DSAB was convened to provide the Arts and Sciences Executive Dean with input and advice regarding major issues in ASC (both undergrad and grad). .

This Board requires two CGS graduate student representatives. The two representatives must come from different divisions within ASC, the divisions being: Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

Bicycle Advisory Committee

Improve bike safety on campus

Campus Art and Memorials

This committees purpose is to support and encourage permanent art and memorials on campus. They review proposals and modifications and implementation of the presented proposals.

Campus Partners Advisory Group

Career Connections

Report on Buckeye Careers 

CHARGE: Evaluate Buckeye Careers from a graduate student perspective in terms of usability and content. Recommend any subsequent changes to better serve the graduate  student body. 

Commencement Speaker Nomination Committee

This committees meets to seek out nominations for the commencement speaker.

Graduate Associate Teaching Awards

This committee selects the 10 best TAs on campus from a field of nominees. Winners receive a $1500 award for distinguished teaching among Graduate Teaching Associates. Committee members will be asked to read applications and sit in on each applicant's c

OCIO Student Advisory Board

Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB)

This committee provides diverse programs and events that are educational and entertaining. OUAB strives to be the premier student programming organization of The Ohio State University. To contact the representatives for this committee please email them at

Ohio Union Council (2-year term)

The Ohio Union Council meets monthly to discuss a wide range of topics that affect the Ohio Union and the student body. The Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) reports to council each month and the council ensures that OUAB's programming meets the needs of not only undergraduate students but also graduate and professional students.
The Ohio Union Council is responsible for establishing general policy on matters such as financial planning, facility use, student development, and public and campus relations. These policies shall guide the administration of the program of the unions by the director of the unions, but the council shall not serve in an administrative capacity.

Outreach & Engagement Awards Committee

The selection committee for the "University Outreach and Engagement Recognition Awards" for Outstanding Student Group, Outstanding Professional Student, Outstanding Graduate Student, and Outstanding Undergraduate student. The committee is planning to meet once in mid-February to discuss expectations and directions for the review, and one more time at the very beginning of March to make selections.